What You Should Know About Birds of Paradise

how to take care of birds of paradise plant

Birds of Paradise plants, scientifically known as Strelitzia, are striking tropical plants renowned for their unique, dramatic flowers that resemble the head of a bird in flight. There are several species within the genus, but the most famous is Strelitzia reginae. We carry them with orange and white flowers in 10″ and 14″ pots.

Here’s a bit more about Birds of Paradise


Flowers: The flowers of Birds of Paradise are vivid and colorful, usually in shades of orange and blue, with a shape that’s often compared to a bird’s head and beak. They emerge from a spiky, green bract.

Leaves: The leaves are large, paddle-shaped, and resemble banana leaves. They’re typically a rich green and can be quite large, adding to the plant’s tropical appeal.

Growth and Care

Climate: These plants thrive in tropical and subtropical climates. They prefer warm temperatures and are not frost-tolerant.

Sunlight: Birds of Paradise love bright, indirect sunlight. In outdoor settings, they do well in full sun or partial shade.

Watering: They enjoy regular watering, but it’s important not to overwater. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

Soil: They prefer well-draining soil rich in organic matter. A potting mix for tropical plants or a mix of peat, pine bark, and perlite can work well.

Fertilizing: During the growing season (spring and summer), they benefit from regular feeding with a balanced fertilizer. Reduce feeding in the winter months when the plant’s growth slows down.


Division: Birds of Paradise can be propagated by dividing the root clumps. This is usually done in the spring when the plant is actively growing.

Seeds: Growing from seeds is also possible but can be slower and more complex. Seeds need to be soaked before planting to improve germination rates.


Pests: They can be susceptible to pests such as spider mites, aphids, and scale. Regularly check the undersides of leaves and treat infestations promptly.

Diseases: Overwatering can lead to root rot, so good drainage is crucial. Ensure that the plant’s container has proper drainage holes and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water.


Ornamental: Birds of Paradise are popular in landscaping for their striking appearance and ability to create a tropical feel. They’re often used as focal points in gardens or large containers.

Indoor Plant: When grown indoors, they need a lot of light and space to accommodate their large leaves and overall size. They can be a dramatic addition to a large room or atrium.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (352) 735-8350 or come by the nursery. Our hours are Monday-Friday 8-5 p.m.