Spathiphyllum plant care

How to Take Care of Spathiphyllum Plants

As a classic and popular houseplant, we frequently receive questions about how to care for the Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum. Here are tips to helping your Peace Lily thrive.


Location is key for these plants. Place them around six to eight feet away from a window to keep light levels consistent. Consider how the east windows allow direct sun rays and south are indirect. We recommend placing the plant in a room that is north or west facing instead. This is because spathiphyllum Atlanta requires medium and indirect sunlight. If your plant begins to show yellow leaves it means it is getting way too much light.


Growers recommend waiting for the plant to droop slightly before initiating the watering process. The plants tell you when they’re thirsty, which comes out to one or two spritzes a week with distilled water. Water less in the winter and more in the summer.


Fertilizing is not a requirement, but for those who want the best bloom, make sure to fertilize during the spring and summer growing season. Feed the Peace Lily a general plant fertilizer once per month from spring to summer.


The Peace Lily is a great houseplant because they flourish at normal indoor temperatures from 65°F to 80°F. Cold drafts will harm it so make sure they are placed away from non-insulated windows and screen doors. Temperatures below 45°F will kill the plant so an indoor location is vital.

For more information regarding Spathiphyllum care, send us an email or call us at (352)735-8350.