Spathiphyllum Apopka FL

Benefits of the Beloved Spathiphyllum Apopka FL

Benefits of the Beloved Spathiphyllum Apopka FL

Peace Lilies Clear the Air, Bloom in Low Light


The Spathiphyllum tropical plant, commonly known as the peace lily, is one of the most popular of Apopka, FL plants. It requires little maintenance, is durable, can grow in low-light spaces, and can purify the air. When it comes to selecting the right type of Spathiphyllum Apopka FL residents turn to Shane Tinker Enterprises, a Spathiphyllum grower with an extensive selection, helpful staff, and continuous support.

Here are a few of the best benefits of owning a Spathiphyllum Apopka FL.

  1. Air Purification

The Spathiphyllum can dramatically improve the air quality in your home or office. It is one of the best plants for removing three of the most common volatile organic compounds that can be present in the air we breathe: benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. It also is effective against other potentially dangerous compounds, namely toluene and xylene.

These substances can have serious health consequences with long-term exposure. Benzene, for example, can have a harmful impact on bone marrow and reduce the number of red blood cells and lead to anemia. It’s a byproduct of oils, paints, tobacco smoke and synthetic fibers. Trichloroethylene, which can be found in paints, lacquers, adhesives, and varnishes, can depress the central nervous system and lead to cardiac arrhythmia.

  1. Low Light Blooms

Plants usually thrive with sun exposure, and the Spathiphyllum Apopka FL residents choose is no exception. They do best in situations where there is bright and filtered light.

However, these plants are an excellent choice for interiors with low light levels. The Spathiphyllum has sturdy, large green leaves and will produce white blooms that often have a light scent, even in low-light situations.

  1. Easy Maintenance

Whether you have a green thumb or not, the peace lily is a great tropical plant for those that are better with little-required maintenance. Weekly watering and a light source are really all you need to do. The Spathiphyllum is a very forgiving species and hardy.

Here are a few basic care suggestions:

  • Keep the temperature consistently between 65 and 80 degrees F. Avoid drafts and cold spots and dramatic temperature swings.
  • Use a fertilizer in the spring and summer. Organic fertilizers are best as peace lilies can be sensitive to chemically based fertilizer products.
  • The plants will droop when they are thirsty. In addition to weekly watering, you can spritz it in the summer months to maintain a good hydration level. If your water has a high chlorine level, leave it out overnight before using on the plants.
  • The soil should be moist, not dripping wet.
  • Peace lilies need to dry out between waterings. They are susceptible to root rot so it’s important to have good drainage in the container. Roots should be light in color and firm, not soggy.

Shane Tinker Enterprises is a long-time Spathiphyllum Apopka FL grower and supplier. We produce 30,000 Spathiphyllum plants annually ranging in size from 6 inches to 14 inches in many varieties.